Suspensión Líquida

Suspensión líquida.
Liquid suspension.

Aplicacion foliar

Aplicación foliar.
Foliar application.

Producto rico en nitrogeno

Nitrógeno (N).
Nitrogen (N).

Producto rico en nitrogeno

Azufre (S).
Sulphur (S).

Producto rico en Manganeso

Manganeso (Mn).
Manganese (Mn).



Polifin 15.0.0


Polifin is a nitrogen-rich product formulated on the basis of urea CH4N2O (free of biuret), and ammonia (NH4) 2SO4, both necessary for the formation of protein structures.

Polifin 15.0.0

Polifin Micro quickly translocates to the growing parts promoting the most important organic compounds and complexes of the plant (amino acids, proteins, nucleic acids, amines, amides, nucleoproteins, chlorophyll, etc.), and induces the formation of phenolic compounds and aromatic.

  • 5 L.
  • 20 L.
  • GRG 1000 L.
Cultivation Dosage Season
Fruit trees. Apply from 150 to 300 cc/hl. Make a first application in spring and carry out a second one approximately 30 days before harvest.
Watermelon and melon. Apply 200 cc/hl. Make applications every 15 days after flowering.
Tomatoe. Apply 250 cc/hl. Make applications every 15 days after transplant.
Olive tree. Apply from 150 to 500 cc/hl. Make a first application in spring and carry out a second one approximately 30 days beforve harvest.
Vineyard. Apply from 150 to 300 cc/hl. Make a first application in spring and carry out a second one approximately 30 days before harvest.