Productos con hierro


Fertilizers with iron (Fe):

Iron (Fe) is an essential micronutrient for plant growth and development, even though it is required in small amounts. Its main function is to participate in the formation of chlorophyll, the pigment responsible for photosynthesis, which allows plants to convert sunlight into energy. Without sufficient iron, plants cannot efficiently produce chlorophyll, directly impacting their ability to perform photosynthesis and, consequently, their growth.

Iron also plays a crucial role in cellular respiration and electron transport within plants, processes essential for energy production and overall metabolism. Additionally, it is important for the synthesis of enzymes and proteins that regulate various vital functions in plants.

Iron deficiency often manifests as iron chlorosis, where leaves, especially the younger ones, turn yellow while the veins remain green. This condition reduces the plant’s ability to produce energy and can severely affect crop quality and yield.

Una deficiencia de hierro suele manifestarse en la clorosis férrica, donde las hojas, especialmente las más jóvenes, se vuelven amarillas mientras que las venas permanecen verdes. Esta condición reduce la capacidad de la planta para producir energía y puede afectar gravemente la calidad y el rendimiento de los cultivos.

Maintaining adequate levels of iron in the soil is key to ensuring efficient photosynthesis and healthy plant development. In soils with low iron availability, the application of iron-rich fertilizers or chelates can help correct deficiencies and promote optimal growth.